I’ve never really liked running and definetly never found it ‘fun’. Probably because I never considered myself a runner. It was hard. I was slow. It just wasn’t ‘my thing.’
Then a friend introduced me to ‘The Jeff Galloway’ program. With this one change, I became a runner.
Now, I’m not saying I broke records.
Well wait, actually I did. I broke mine.
My ‘PR’ (personal record) continued to improve. My distance got longer and longer. Before I knew it, I was running Marathon distance.
I have learned over the years that many people don’t understand what ‘running a marathon’ means.
One instance is when my friend asked; “What did you do this weekend?” “I replied, Oh girl, I was in a race, I ran a 5K”.
And she responded; “Wow! You ran a marathon, that is great!” “How long did it take you?”
If this is you (not understanding distance) No Worries. That’s also where I started.
So here’s a quick definition of distance:
- 5K 3.1 miles
- 10K 6.2 miles
- 15K 9.3 miles
- 21.09K Just kidding. At this distance the wording changes.
- Half Marathon 13.1 miles
- Marathon 26.2 miles
Do you notice the [ .1 or .2 or .3 ] that’s important.
If you run 26 miles you have not run a marathon. You have run just under a marathon, so go pick up those other .2miles.
When you set a goal to run a certain distance you’ll find yourself doing just that…picking up the extra .1 or .2 miles. Yes, it’s a thing.
If you want to know were to begin when running a 5k Training Schedule
click here for a FREE program that I have used. I started with the Jeff Galloway training program at the half marathon distance.
Here’s what I learned. When I ran 6 miles versus when I do the Galloway method, I am faster doing Galloway. Crazy, right?
Begin with a plan. Decide on your distance. I personally would not be conerned with your time. After your first race you’ll have your ‘base’ time and you can begin to work on speed, simply to beat your own time; IF that’s your goal.
Go grab your shoes, water, music and have fun!
Have questions? Contact me.